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Exciting Volleyball Warm-Up Games

Whether you’re playing volleyball or soccer, warm-up is essential to ensure you don’t strain your muscles. When players engage in sports without warming up, they’re prone to sustain injuries. However, many players might find warming up a little too boring. Luckily, we’ve made warm-ups exciting by bringing you some thrilling volleyball warm-up games. Knee Tag Knee […]

A Beginner’s Guide: 3 Rules of Badminton

Engaging in any form of sports is healthy. When we engage in physical activity, our bodies produce feel-good hormones called endorphins. Endorphins are also called natural painkillers and help people feel calm and relaxed. This is how sports work like a stress buster. Talking to other players while playing sports takes our minds off different worries, […]

The Academic Benefits of Sports for Students

Playing sports help people function better. Exercising increases blood flow to the brain, which leads to increased alertness, concentration, and focus levels. An active mind has excellent problem-solving skills and increased levels of creativity. All of these characteristics are fundamental in achieving academic success. Moreover, sports strengthen students’ ability to socialize. By playing with different […]